Eastern Zone Swimming

2024 Eastern Zone Athlete Summit

Tim Husson

Dear Athlete Summit Participants and LSC Leaders,

We regret to inform you that the upcoming Athlete Summit scheduled for June 20-23 at Bryn Mawr College, is cancelled. Because of contractual issues with Bryn Mawr we feel it's best to reevaluate the event so we can best serve all our guests. Unfortunately, we have been negotiating with Bryn Mawr since the beginning of April and they have just now informed us that they have rejected the revised contract.

We understand that this change in plans may cause significant inconvenience for athletes and chaperones. We also want to express how disappointed we are by this turn of events. However, these circumstances are beyond our control.

We remain committed to providing some direct, in-person programming to the athletes this fall scheduled around USA Swimming's Workshop and Annual Business Meeting. This will ultimately position us to host substantive, in-person programming in conjunction with the Eastern Zone Spring Business Meeting in the Spring of 2025. 

If anyone has any questions or there are any logistical issues with this cancellation, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Gavin & TJ